Comes the morning
When I can feel
That there's nothing left to be concealed
Moving on a scene surreal
No, my heart will never, will never be far from here
Sure as I am breathing
Sure as I'm sad
I'll keep this wisdom in my flesh
I leave here believing more than I had
And there's a reason I'll be, a reason I'll be back
As I walk the hemisphere
I got my wish to up and disappear
I've been wounded, I've been healed
Now for landing I've been, for landing I've been cleared
Sure as I am breathing
Sure as I'm sad
I'll keep this wisdom in my flesh
I leave here believing more than I had
This love has got no ceiling
Eddie Vedder - No Ceiling
4 comentários:
um belo filme?(ainda não vi)
um belo poema...
que merece outro
O que desejei às vezes
Diante do teu olhar,
Diante da tua boca!
Quase que choro de pena
Medindo aquela ansiedade
Pela de hoje - que é tão pouca!
Tão pouca que nem existe!
De tudo quanto nós fomos,
Apenas sei que sou triste.
Fui ver e é brilhante!
Também já tenho a banda sonora no Ipod :-)
Sure as I am breathing
Sure as I'm sad
I'll keep this wisdom in my flesh
I leave here believing more than I had
This love has got no ceiling
...tal e qual...
quanto mais ando neste mundo...
mais acho não devenmos desperdiçar o que de bom nos trás a vida...
vamos todos sonhar....
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